Certifications obtained
NEWMEC S.R.L. became a Company with a UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system in 2018, in 2019 UNI EN 9100:2018 and also managed to obtain MO.CA for the manufacture of products suitable for contact with food (regulation (CE) n°1935/2004), thus confirming the will to improve without ever losing sight of the efficiency and quality of the service offered. In 2023, Newmec obtained ISO 14001:2015, certifying the company’s commitment to the environment.
Cyber Security
Data and network security is essential to ensure the protection of information and services in an increasingly complex and digital world. This means keeping protection measures up-to-date, constantly monitoring threats and reacting promptly in the event of cyber-attacks. Newmec has fully integrated the new cybersecurity provisions into its strategy, a necessary added value to protect certain sectors, such as Defence.